than 20 years.

The Boiler Room
TBR has been developing learning since 1999, we understand learning.
We have grown and gained experience developing 2D & 3D animations, virtual reality, videos, virtual environments, and inductions.
We have extensive learning experience with SAPs and SOPs.
We continue to invest in advancing technologies to create robust solutions as they are relevant,
best in class for the sector, scalable and adaptable to your specific training requirements.
TBR has been developing learning since 1999.
We understand learning.


Evolving technology with the times.






The Boiler Room surpasses 50 employees and still growing strong.

The Boiler Room is a trusted partner that understands your industry and training needs.
When working with us, you are not hiring a single person, designer or a learning developer who has limited skills or is stressed out wearing as many hats as you are.

This is achieved through incorporating character dialogue, timing and movements whilst collaborating with educational experts to composite the various learning layers of diverse business scopes.

This provides learners with an opportunity to apply knowledge through play whilst simultaneously, yet subliminally, achieving specific learning objectives.

Our team is passionate about creating bespoke learning interventions for each client and each learner yet committed to relentless simplicity, engagement, interaction, accessibility and fun.

Video Editors work closely with the Animators and eLearning Developers, to create videos using raw video footage, photographs, voice-over narration, music and 2D and 3D animations.

Augmented reality, immersion, oculus rift headsets, holograms and the likes are used to create immersive digital worlds for education, training and entertainment.
Our XR Gurus use 3D design skills to create complex object interactions and services to design practical teaching tools for a life-saving surgical-operation or assist heavy vehicle drivers in replicating real-world scenarios in drive simulators.
TBR Consulting offers a wide range of consulting services, in the fields of Safety, health, Environment, Quality and Business Management, with the necessary tools and expertise to help optimise your business.
We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions.
Our Offering
Innovation & Consulting Hub
Delivering Learning, Digital Productions and Metaverse Solutions