27% of users are more engaged, compared to traditional learning.
34% of users are emotionally more reactive, compared to traditional learning.
Strategies to create VR journeys should not merely engage the user’s senses, but emotionally involve them
Deploy techniques to enhance user interactivity, both mentally and emotionally, apart from creating the experience and interaction
Evoke emotion within the VR journey!​
It removes the real danger in high-risk industries while creating high-risk, stressful situations to judge and measure a learner's performance under pressure.
Virtual Reality (VR) creates a simulated environment. This can be VR headset based or delivered via a standard Windows environment. Unlike any other user interface, VR places the user inside the experience. Users are immersed and able to interact with a 3D world.
By stimulating multiple senses, such as vision, hearing, and touch, the computer is transformed into the gatekeeper of
the artificial world. Only your imagination can create a boundary to what is possible.
Trains 4x faster than in the
traditional classroom.
Are 275% more confident to apply skills learned after their training.
3.75% more emotionally connected to content than traditional classroom learners.
4x more focused than their eLearning peers.
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Delivering Learning, Digital Productions and Metaverse Solutions